8am Service
A quiet, reflective service held in the Garden Room. Connect with the church family over tea and coffee after the service. Sundays @ 8-9am
A quiet, reflective service held in the Garden Room. Connect with the church family over tea and coffee after the service. Sundays @ 8-9am
Our main Sunday service, with worship and teaching for all ages. Includes Crèche and Sunday Club for school-aged children and young people. After the service, connect with the church family over tea, coffee, and morning tea. Sundays @ 9:30-11am
Fellowship for seniors to get together for a couple of hours. Games, morning tea, and light lunch provided. Tuesdays @ 10am-12pm
Multi-cultural playgroup for children aged 1 to 4 years is open to all members of the community. The program includes songs, craft activities, free play, and Bible stories. Wednesdays @ 9:30-11:30am
Multi-cultural playgroup for children aged 1 to 4 years is open to all members of the community. The program includes songs, craft activities, free play, and Bible stories. Fridays @ 9:30-11:30am
Friday Night ESL is a fun and friendly environment to learn conversational English and hear the good news that Jesus shared. You are welcome no matter what stage of life and faith you're in, whether you're a committed Christian or…
Join us after church for lunch. Bring a plate and share in community and a meal. All are welcome. 3rd Sunday of the month @ 11:30am-12:30pm