Multi-cultural playgroups meet each Wednesday and Friday morning during school terms from 9:30-11:30am, at the Nedlands Uniting Church.
The sessions aim to have an informal relaxed atmosphere for both adults and children. Each session involves structured activities and plenty of free play. The speaking of the English language is encouraged as this is our common language.
The Playgroup is open to all members of the community. The programme will include sung grace before morning tea, some Bible stories and Christmas and Easter stories and songs.
All parents and helpers need to help with the programme in different ways such as helping to prepare morning tea and vacuuming.
What to expect
Each family pays $35 each term for one weekly session or $50 for both sessions (payable in the first two weeks of the term) and brings along a piece of fruit for morning tea each week.
9:30am: Playgroup begins with free play and an optional craft activity.
10:40am: Pack up and wash hands
10:45am: Morning tea
11am: Free play
11:10am: Story and music